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Scott Donnell, Co-Author of Value Creation Kid

Scott is the founder of Apex Leadership Co, Hapbee Technologies, and the GravyStack™ banking app for kids and families. Since 2011, his companies have taught leadership, fitness, and financial competency to over 6 million kids nationwide. He also launched the AZ Children’s Business Fair, which helps thousands of kids learn core money skills. Scott lives in Phoenix with his wife, Amy, and their four little value creators.

Meet Lee Benson, Co-Author of Value Creation Kid

Lee is the founder and CEO of Execute to Win (ETW). ETW helps organizations work better together to improve what is most important. Lee has worked with thousands of high school kids on the virtues of entrepreneurship. Over his 40 years as a successful entrepreneur, Lee developed an operating methodology called the MIND Methodology (Most Important Number and Drivers). The MIND Methodology is outlined in his book, Your Most Important Number, a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestseller. Lee has founded seven businesses with exits ranging from a few million dollars to well into nine figures.

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Invite Scott to Speak

Scott Donnell is the best-selling author of Value Creation Kid, the host of Smart Monet Parenting, a top 1% parenting podcast on Apple Podcasts, and a visionary entrepreneur. He is the founder of Gravystack, the viral banking app and game for kids and teens to learn financial literacy.

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